
Lindsay Lohan's Lawyers Want To End Her Probation Early

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Lindsay Lohan has put her lawyers through so much. She had a sweet little beautician (who probably still wears a beehive and eye glitter) paint "fuck u" onto her nails, and her lawyers had to pretend not to see it and act like it was meant for someone she was going to see later, instead of part of her plan to flip off the judge. Then, she went ahead and failed a drug test in the first week of September, which certainly meant her lawyers had to work on Labor Day. And then she failed another one, putting her at risk to go back to jail for 30 days and meaning they had to leave their law schools' luncheons to go help her. The only people working harder than her lawyers are traffic cops.
Understandably, they're done helping her through the consequences of her probation violations. RadarOnline reports her legal team hopes to convince the judge to end Lohan's probation sentence early (it's set to expire in August of 2011) so her legal problems won't keep piling up when she violates its terms. In other words, they're looking to shave a few months off her probation so that when she's a disobedient young lady, it won't matter as much because her actions won't count as violations, since she would no longer be on probation. They hope to convince the judge to indulge their request by agreeing to have Lindsay spend more time in rehab at the Betty Ford Center in Palm Springs, and/or have her attend more alcohol education classes as long as there's alcohol there. Sorry, I gave all my sympathy away this morning when I saw a really fat squirrel and realized he's probably super behind on storing up food for himself.
Lindsay has her next hearing with the judge on October 22nd, at which time her lawyer will not deny the fact she failed two drug tests. Lindsay probably won't be there though, as it's not what Radar calls a "full blown" hearing and she might be allowed to just stay in rehab. The judge could sentence her to 30 days in jail for each of the failed drug tests, but once again, "jail overcrowding" will come to the defense of the Mean Girls star by just requiring she be processed, maybe use a cell toilet a few times, and then she'll be let go.


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